Welcome Gardeners
NHS Annual Spring Plant Sale
Our annual Plant Sale wa held Saturday May 4, at Nanaimo North Town Centre.
It was a great success this year. THANK YOU to VOLUNTEERS who donated their time, talents and plants.
The sale supports a bursary for a deserving VIU Student in the Horticultural program.
Open to the Public Gardens Tour – No date at this time
Thanks to all our Gardeners who generously opened their gardens to Nanaimo garden lovers.
Thanks for coming to view the gardens and we hope to see you at our monthly meetings.

Congratulations on all your great work in the community & for local gardeners also! We’ve always loved garden clubs & like gardeners as friends. Unfortunately our health is not great now as we & many other grow old, but that’s ok, we manage to work little miracles in our little gardens now. We always will remember how kind Denise, the club president, was to come to our old but new for us mobile home to give advice. We set up raised beds using concrete blocks & plastic bins on the driveway to grow veggies, with wonderful success; thanks to her adivce. We would love for her to come back here to see 1 year after her visit to see the amazing results (others may get some ideas from it also).
Sincerely, John & Freeman #65-25 Maki Rd. Nanaimo. Please contact us if you want more info. Cheers!
Thanks John, I forwarded your message to Denise. Beryl
I’m interested in joining. Can you tell me more about membership and fees? Thank you!
Hello, Sandy. Sorry it took so long to reply. On the “Join Us” page are the details for joining our club and prices. You can attend a meeting and join the club. Our next meeting is next week Wednesday 10th July.There is a small $3 fee which will go toward your membership.
Cheers, Beryl
New Member – Membership Fees:
Household – $35 Single – $25 Student – $21 – plus name tag magnetic $11 or pin $10
New Members Package – includes your Membership, Membership Card for discounts, New Member Information(Welcome to Nanaimo’s Garden Club), Complimentary Newsletter via email(10 per year), Password for Members only handouts, and Complimentary Name Badge – everything you need to be an active Club Member, receive Club Benefits, and attend Club Events.
Hi — I can’t seem to locate your “Join us” page. I’m not seeing any links from this main page. Thanks!
Are you on a mobile device? It seems to be working on computer mode. Some basic info..New Member – Membership Fees:
Household – $35 Single – $25 Student – $21 – plus name tag magnetic $11 or pin $10. You can come to a meeting and join. $3 to come as guest which can go toward a membership.
Hope this helps.
Thank you! I am looking on my phone, so will switch to my PC for a closer look. Appreciate the information.